
The Win

A pbem inspired by FreedomPBEM


Item Description
Turnsheet Header

The turnsheet header shows the following information:

  • The team name and logo
  • The team ID
  • The manager email address
  • The week that the turn is being submitted for. This will default to the next turn but you can edit this to submit turns for future weeks although this could cause problems for team selection if you have injuries in the future

In this section you can commence any stadium upgrades you wish to start.

Stadium upgrades are not instant and all changes will take 6 weeks to complete.

The cost is £1000 for each seat added so 2000 seats will cost £2 million.

You can also improve the condition of your stands. The cost is £300,000 and this will improve the condition by 1 point


You can improve the rating of your coaches. The current rating is shown and any increase will cost £2 million and it will take 6 weeks to complete the recruitment process and upgrade the department by 1 point.


You can upgrade the pitch, hospitality and facilities

As with the stadium upgrades these will take 6 weeks to complete and the cost is £500,000 for each point of improvement

The club help pages explain the effect that all areas of the stadium will have on your club.

Player Training

This is where you can improve your players individual skills

Each player has a skill rating for each of the 11 visible skills and these will improve by 1 point if the training is sucessful on any given week.

Not all skills can be trained. To train a skill the player must not have reached his full potential in this skill and your coach must be of a high enough standard to train the skill. If a coach has a higher rating than the skill he is trying to train then it has a chance of a sucessful improvement.

If a skill is orange it means the coach is not good enough to train it, if it is red it means the player has reached his potential. if a skill is green you can train it that week.

You can only train one skill per area each week so one GKP, DFC, MID or ATT can train just one skill.

Player Actions

In the player actions section every player in your squad is listed

Key information relating to the player is shown in the player card. Some information, such as contract length will change colour if it is getting low.

The player help pages explain what things such as loyalty and TS mean.

There are a number of options you can slect for each player.

These are:

  • Blend - Each week you can select one player in the whole squad and attempt to help him blend with the other players in his area of the pitch. This can be useful if you have determined that a player does not gel well with other players. Be warned, this action will try to help him blend with all the other players in his area, not just the ones he plays with each week. Whilst this action will usually help a player fit in, it can have adverse results if the blend of other players in his area is varied
  • Fitness - Each week you can select one player in the whole squad and attempt to help him recover his fitness more quickly. This is always worth using on someone
  • List - This puts a player on the transfer list so other managers can bid for him. Once you have made this decision the directors will deal with any suitable bids that come in for him. You can unlist a player but this might have an adverse effect on his loyalty to the club. You can list as many players as you want to each week
  • Contract - At any time you can ask your director of football to re-negotiate a players contract. You indicate what amount you would like to pay the player to re-sign and the rest is sorted out for you. A loyal player is more likely to sign a new contract
  • Bonus - At any time you can ask your director of football to pay a player a bonus. You indicate what amount you would like to pay the player to and the rest is sorted out for you. This can have various effects on a player but is often a good way to make them feel more valued by the club and may increase their loyalty
Team Selection

A team must be selected for every turnsheet that is submitted.

First, you select the players you want to play in the next game. You can select 11 players and you must include a maximum of 1 GKP and a minimum of 1 DFC, MID and ATT. The players you select will be shown in the team selection area. Only players that are available that week will be listed in this section. Once you have selected a valid team the red warning box will disapear. You dont need to select a formation, the game will figure this out from your selection.

Next, you select the tactics you want to use in the next game. As you would expect, the tactic you select will have a major influence on how your players perform in the game

Although detailed specifics will not be given, certain tactics utilise the skills your players have in different ways. For example, a passing tactic will use the passing skill of your midfielders more than a direct tactic.

You can select from 6 options:

  • Normal - This tactic is balanced between defence and lets your team play in a manner that suits them and the game situation
  • Passing - A big focus on playing the ball through your midfield. This tactic is balanced between defence and attack but dictates the style of play and how your team tries to build attacks
  • Defensive - Defensive focus. Your team will sit behind the ball to the detriment of pushing up the pitch
  • Attacking - Attacking focus. Your team will push forward and take the game to the opposition
  • Wide - Avoids the middle of the pitch. This tactic is balanced between defence and attack but dictates the style of play and how your team tries to build attacks
  • Direct - Focuses less on passing and more on long balls to the front men bypassing the midfield. This tactic is balanced between defence and attack but dictates the style of play and how your team tries to build attacks

Next, you select your press tactic for the game. The more you press, the more tired your players will become. The timing of your press will decide when your team is at its strongest and it is up to your to decide if you want to push early and try to kill the game, or wait and try to win it late on. You can also select the intensity of the press.

  • Heavy Metal Football - Full on press from the start of the game
  • Strong Press - Going for it from the start but with less intensity than Heavy Metal Football
  • Normal Press - A more steady press throughout the game
  • No Press - No press, sit off the opposition and wait for the chance to get the ball off them
  • Late Press - Going for it from later in the game start but with less intensity than Late Heavy Metal Football
  • Late Heavy Metal Football - Full on press from but from later in the game aiming for a strong finish

The final selection is the level of aggression you want your team to play with. The more aggressive you are the more likely you are to get bookings and sendings off. The more aggressive you are the more likely you are to win the ball back but the more likely you are to give away free kicks and penalties. Aggression is selected for each area of the pitch.


This game is a lot about buying and selling players and building your squad. The scouting department is very important to help you find players.

The higher the scout department, the more criteria you can utilise to find the perfect player. For every skill rating up to 10 you get an additional element to scout for. Note: the more criteria you employ the more difficult it will be to find a player so you dont have to use all of them.

The search criteria are:

  • Scout rating 1 - Player Position
  • Scout rating 2 - Total Skill - Define the minumum total skill you are looking for
  • Scout rating 3 - Age - Search for a player below maximum age
  • Scout rating 4 - Skills - Does he have good skills for his position
  • Scout rating 5 - Loyalty - Does he have low loyalty so will be more likely to join you
  • Scout rating 6 - Potential Skills - Does he have good potential skills for his position
  • Scout rating 7 - Consistency - Does he consistently perfom each week
  • Scout rating 8 - Recovery - Does he have a high recovery rating meaning he gains fitness quickly
  • Scout rating 9 - Star - has the player got a high 'Star' rating meaning he has the capability for mega perfomances
  • Scout rating 10 - Blend with a player in your team - Looks for a close matching blend value for the player you selected
Promote a Youth Player

In this section you have the option to promote a player from your youth set up.

Each season you can promote a maximum of 3 players from your youth set up to your senior squad. The player will be added to your squad and will be available for selection in the next game.

Players promoted from the youth set up will have a lower skill rating than senior players but they will have a higher potential skill rating. This means that they can become top players with plenty of training and shoudl be regarded as long term projects.


There are currently 4 types of transfer you can use.

Listed Bid

When a player has been listed by a club other managers can bid for him. The highest bid will be accepted and the player will be sold IF the player decides to join that team.

To lodge a bid you need to enter the player ID number and the amount you are willing to pay for him.

The transfer listed players are shown in the listed players section of the game from the players menu.

Unmanaged Bid

This is where you can bid for any player that is not at a managed club.

As always with transfers the deal will be complted IF the player decides to join that team. For unmanaged bids, the directors of that club will also have to accept your valuation of the player.

To lodge a bid you need to enter the player ID number and the amount you are willing to pay for him.

Circuit Sale

This is where you can sell a player to the unmanaged circuit. You need to enter the player ID number, nothing else. The valuation you will receive is 50% of his value if he has a total skill greater than 71 and 25% below this level.

Agreed Deal

This is where you can submit an agreed deal with another manager. You need to enter the ID of the player, the amount you have agreed to pay for him and the ID of the other club you have agreed a deal with. The other manager will then have to accept the deal by submitting the player ID, sale price and your club ID. If the details agree the player will be transfered. This is the only type of deal where the player does not have a say and he will join your club.

NOTE: No deals will be accepted for bids that are below the basic value of the player. This is an anti-cheating mechanism to prevent players being sold on the cheap.

Articles and Messaging

There are 3 types of messaging you can use each week

  • Article - This is a public message that will be shown to all managers in the game in the articles section. You can use this to make a statement or to try to influence other managers. For completing media duites in this way your club will receive £1 million for each article submitted. Articles are vetted to ensure they are not simply nonsense or abusive.
  • Club Message - This is a private message that will be sent to the manager of the team you select. You can use this to try to influence other managers or to make a deal. You need to submit the club ID number and your message.
  • Public Message - This is a message that is shown to all managers in the turn pages and is usually used for deals, advertising and (polite) trolling of other managers!

NOTE: Please refrain from using foul or abusive language and treat other managers with a reasonable degree of respect.