
The Win

A pbem inspired by FreedomPBEM


Item Description

The name of your club. This can be changed once a season before league games start. To change your club name you can lodge a request with the GM. note: Changing you clubs name may effect fan happiness.

Ground and Stand Names

Whilst your stands are primarliy designated as n, s, e, w (north, south, east and west) they can also be given names. The same applies to your ground. You can change these names whenever you want by requesting a change with the GM. If you submit these changes with an article explaining why you are making the change you may also receive other benefits like an increase in fan happiness if a change is made to honour a great player or sponsorship funds if you make a deal with a company.

Stand Capactiy

Each stand has a number of seats that are available to fans. You can increase this capacity by requesting a change on the turnsheet. The more people you get into your stadium the more money you earn from home games and it will have more effect on your team when you play at home.

Due to the amazing work of the speedy builder company that undertakes the work upgrades take just 6 weeks. Each seat costs £1000 to install so 2000 extra seats will cost £2 million.

Stand Condition

Each stand has a condition that degrades over time. The better the condition of the stadium the more your fans will want to attend games. You can upgrade the condition of your stands with a turnsheet action.

Condition upgrades take 6 weeks and costs £300,000.

Club Logo

At this time, you cannot choose a club logo but this features will be introduced soon.

Club Colours

You can select a primary and secondary club colour that will determine how some elements of the game look and what colours you club play in. To change the club colours you have to make a request to the GM.


The standard of your pitch. This can play an important role in the success of your side. Do you want a low quality pitch that suits a long ball tactic or a bowling green for your slick passing game?

Pitch upgrades take 6 weeks and cost £500,000.


The standard of hospitality at your club. Every club has to cater to the corporate overlords and this is how you do it! The better the hospitality at your club the more of the prawn sandwich brigade you will attract meaning more income for the club.

Hospitality upgrades take 6 weeks and cost £500,000.


The standard of facilities at your club. Facilties are things like the club shop, program vendors, burger shops and bars. The better the facilities the more fans will come to your matches and the more money you will make from match day and mid week sales.

Facility upgrades take 6 weeks and cost £500,000.

Skill Coaches

Skills coaches exist for each area of the team, GKP, DFC, MID and ATT. Each one has a rating and that rating determines how high he can coach a players skill. For example, a DFC coach of rating 7 can coach any DFC player. You decide what skill he coaches on your turnsheet but he can only coach a skill if it is no higher than 6. On the turnsheet, in the coaching section, if a skill is orange this means your coach is not high enough to coach that skill. if the skill is red it means it has already been coached to its maximum potential skill.

Coach upgrades take 6 weeks and cost £2 million.

Fitness Coach

Your club has a comprehensive fitness department that helps players recover each week.

Your fitness coach is a player specific coach that you can assign to work on a player each week. He will increase the fitness of a player by his rating. Therefore, If your player has fitness of 70, and your fitness coach is 10 rated the player will increase to 80 fitness after his work is done. Note: playing matches will also decrease fitness that week and a player will naturally recover fitness too.

Fitness upgrades take 6 weeks and cost £2 million.


This game is a lot about buying and selling players and building your squad. The scouting department is very important to help you find players.

The higher the scout department, the more criteria you can utilise to find the perfect player. For every skill rating up to 10 you get an additional element to scout for. Note: the more criteria you employ the more difficult it will be to find a player so you dont have to use all of them.

The search criteria are:

  • Scout rating 1 - Player Position
  • Scout rating 2 - Total Skill - Define the minumum total skill you are looking for
  • Scout rating 3 - Age - Search for a player below maximum age
  • Scout rating 4 - Skills - Does he have good skills for his position
  • Scout rating 5 - Loyalty - Does he have low loyalty so will be more likely to join you
  • Scout rating 6 - Potential Skills - Does he have good potential skills for his position
  • Scout rating 7 - Consistency - Does he consistently perfom each week
  • Scout rating 8 - Recovery - Does he have a high recovery rating meaning he gains fitness quickly
  • Scout rating 9 - Star - has the player got a high 'Star' rating meaning he has the capability for mega perfomances
  • Scout rating 10 - Blend with a player in your team - Looks for a close matching blend value for the player you selected

The finances page shows the various incomes and outcomes for your club.

You will have a significant amount of money to spend and you can raise more through player trading and building your club.

Your club can go overdrawn, however, if you are overdrawn for 3 weeks the directors of the club will step in and take action to rectify the situation. This usually means selling assets, and the most saleable assets are players! The directors will perform emergency sales starting with your lowest rated players until the club is back in the black.

Obviousley, losing control of your squad in this way will not please you or the fans and should be avoided.

Fan Happiness

How happy are your fans and what makes them happy? Winning games and signing players are two things that help, losing does not! Happy fans attend games and spend money.


The fanbase is an estimate of how many fans you club could attract. This is useful for judging how big your stadium needs to be. This does not mean they would all come to a game though, other things decide wether they show up.....

Ticket Price

The universal ticket price for the a fan to watch your team. Changing this is possible through a GM request, an article submission to explain your plans for the club can help mitigate any effects on fan happiness due to a change in this price.